By Melanie Marshall UniHealth grant to CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care funds nursing professor’s project A grant-funded research project to expand
The National Symposium for Academic Palliative Care is pleased to announce that Daniel Johnson, MD, FAAHPM, will deliver the opening keynote address in 2018.
Celebrating the Year End Palliative Care Style With Jennifer Ballentine. Happy holidays to all and to all a good night.
The National Symposium for Academic Palliative Care Education and Research has established next year’s theme, “Quality in Palliative Care: Fusing Education, Research, and Practice.”
Celebrating Diversity in Scholarship Recipients
The recipients of the 2017 Donald and Darlene Marcos Shiley Scholarships come from diverse backgrounds, organizations and healthcare roles.
Scholarships awarded to San Diego County Health Professionals
The California State University Shiley Institute for Palliative Care recently awarded $25,000 in scholarships for palliative care education to 16 health professionals
Best Palliative Care Moments for Health Care Professionals
Former students share moments that made a big impact Editor’s note: We recently asked former Institute students to share their “best palliative
Palliative care is undeniably powerful in improving quality of life and transforming the healthcare experience, not just for seriously ill patients and
California Leading the Way in Palliative Care with SB 1004
By Melanie Marshall Legislation taking effect in January expands palliative care services to some of California’s most vulnerable patients and keeps the
The patient-centered approach at the heart of palliative care is dependent on a simple concept: knowing a patient’s values and wishes at
The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has announced it will provide $244,000 to fund palliative care education for qualified Medi-Cal
Symposium Seed Grant Winners 2017
Five academic researchers were recently awarded $45,000 in grants to advance palliative care education and research aimed at improving care and quality
Farewell Letter from Outgoing Executive Director Helen McNeal
As I step away from the Institute, I want to borrow the academic tradition so beautifully shared by Randy Pausch: The Last
Looking Back at the 2017 Academic Palliative Care Symposium
Innovation and inspiration took center stage last week at the CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care’s National Symposium for Academic and Palliative
2017 Palliative Care Seed Grant Recipients Announced
Awards designed to advance palliative care research Five innovative and diverse research projects were awarded $45,000 in Seed Grants last week by
Sharing knowledge and making connections is one of the best things about the National Symposium for Academic Palliative Care Education & Research
Advancing the life-changing benefits of palliative care and equipping health professionals to meet the growing demand is a shared passion of Helen
CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care’s annual event draws faculty, researchers from across U.S. Aug. 21, 2017 (SAN DIEGO) – Dr. Jessica