
Jennifer Moore Ballentine

Last month, I wrote about the exciting direction that the CSU Shiley Haynes Institute for Palliative Care will be taking over the next year. I want to share with you now news of a new direction I will be taking as well – as of the end of this month, I will retire from the Institute.


We have so much to celebrate! This month, the CSU Shiley Haynes Institute for Palliative Care turns 10! On September 20, 2012, the Institute was launched at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) as America’s first statewide educational and workforce development initiative dedicated to palliative care!

Jennifer Moore Ballentine

Chances are that whatever your thoughts and reactions are to the recent Supreme Court decision on abortion, its impact on care for people with serious, advanced, or terminal illnesses may not be top of mind. I’m here to say, Watch this space. Definitions of life and the authority to direct its course affect the end of life as much as the beginning.

A young doctor experiencing burnout

In the early days of the COVID pandemic, some palliative care and hospice programs found themselves pushed to the sidelines of the national crisis response. Patients “crashed” fast; doors closed to all-but essential facility staff; some patients put off seeking care for preexisting serious conditions and thus failed to get connected with hospice and palliative care.

Senior woman speaking to doctor on her tablet computer

Palliative care is a humanistic, patient-centric form of healthcare that includes medical, emotional, and other supportive services for people who are confronting the impacts of a serious illness in many areas of their lives. Some have even called it “hand-holding,” although it involves much more than that.

Jennifer Moore Ballentine

You’ll be hearing a lot all April about National Health Care Decisions Day (April 16) and the importance of doing your advance care planning and completing your advance medical directives. So here’s my wiki on advance care planning/directives, born of 20 years of study and teaching, giving and taking professional guidance, being a patient and a family member of patients many times over.

Doctor in discussion with senior patient

As interest and use of cannabis-derived products for treating symptoms of illness grow across the country, hospice and palliative care practitioners are increasingly looking to understand how these products fit into the palliative approach for treating symptoms of serious illness.

Flowers and hearts collage

A space for self-care, reflection, and creative expression to be highlighted at the National Symposium for Academic Palliative Care in San Diego.

Camp Fire Devastation in Paradise, CA

Read one physician’s story about how a devastating fire in Northern California impacted the community and first responders, the critical role the palliative care team played in time of crisis, and her call for systemic responses.

nursing students in classroom

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing has just taken a major step toward ensuring that clinical competencies in primary palliative care and end-of-life care are incorporated into nursing teaching curriculums.
Learn more.

Deborah Grassman

Mental health nurse practitioner, CEO and founder of Opus Peace, Deborah Grassman, NP, to speak about her research into “Soul Injury” at the 2022 National Symposium in San Diego.

Nationally recognized pediatric clinician-educator, Joan Fisher MD, PhD, FAAP, will address pediatric palliative care and communication with medically complex children and families at the National Symposium for Academic Palliative Care Education and Research in San Diego.

Rural palliative care

The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the need for more accessibility to palliative care services. Addressing the disparity in access between rural and urban medical environments, and broader training of frontline clinical workers in primary palliative care, are imperatives, says guest blogger, Aldebra Schroll, MD, of the Butte-Glenn Medical Society.

Jennifer Moore Ballentine

What if we extended palliative care even beyond the patient-and-family, even with a loose definition of “family,” and said “patient and their communities” instead?

Health visitor and a senior woman during nursing home visit

Efforts to support patients’ spiritual needs can sometimes be overlooked given more immediate symptom management demands. While most clinical education programs don’t incorporate spiritual care, all clinicians need awareness of spiritual pain as a vital component of end-of-life care.

Judy Thomas, CEO of the Coalition for Compassionate Care of California (CCCC), delivers an update on recent public policy developments that positively impact POLST and palliative care in California.

Primary palliative care doctor with patient

Ensuring all clinicians in any setting caring for patients with serious illness have communication and symptom management skills is a top priority—but requires leadership and training. Several models are available.

Dr. Ronit Elk at Symposium

Ronit Elk, PhD, a renowned researcher, educator and clinician will be a presenter at the 2022 National Symposium for Academic Palliative Care Education and Research.