From Helen McNeal, Executive Director
2014 has been an amazing year in palliative care, with such important developments as the IOM Report and the continuing growth of both in-hospital and community-based programs. It has also been an incredible year for the Institute. We have now introduced more than 17 new online courses, trained more than 700 health care professionals across the U.S. and internationally, educated more than 2,000 community members and expanded to include a total of 7 partner CSU campuses in California.
What has made this progress possible? YOU … your interest, your passion for palliative care, and your commitment to excellent care for your patients and families. You have eagerly enrolled in our new and existing courses. You have given us feedback that lets us continually improve. And, when we came back and asked how our work impacted you and your organizations, you told us that it had made you more confident, helped you launch new programs and restored your passion for your work.
Thank you … your achievements and your passion are the most meaningful benchmarks of our success.
We have lots of great things in store for the New Year … so stay tuned! But, in the meantime, we hope that you will take this time … as we are … to be with those you love, toast the things that made this year joyful, remember the friends who may no longer be with us and most of all, to take the time to breathe deeply of all that you love and restores you.
Thanks for being part of our “family of choice” and here’s to growing palliative care together in 2015!

Helen McNeal
Executive Director
CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care
333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road
San Marcos, CA 92096