www.csupalliativecare.org. During National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, the CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care is emphasizing the importance of solid business skills in a soft-skills world. Helen McNeal, Executive Director of the Institute says, “Health care professionals are always focused on patient care and being the best providers they can be. Sometimes it is important to slow down and hone the business and practical skills that support the success of our palliative care programs. The interprofessional courses we’re offering right now could mean the difference between surviving and thriving for some organizations.”
Interprofessional Courses
The Business Case for Palliative Care (Self-Paced – 4 Continuing Education Hours) This self-paced course is designed to orient clinical and administrative leaders to the concepts behind the business case for palliative care. It introduces the analyses needed to assess the impact of existing programs while identifying growth opportunities for hospital, clinic, and home-based palliative care services. Participants will learn how their palliative care program adds value to their organization’s mission. This course was developed by nationally recognized experts in the field of palliative care, including: Kathleen Kerr, BA, Dr. Brian Cassel, Dr. Michael Rabow, and Dr. Shelley R. Adler.
Excellence in Interprofessional Palliative Care Documentation (Self-Paced – 3 Continuing Education Hours) In palliative care, documentation is at the heart of communications. This self-paced course provides quick, discipline-specific as well as team-focused strategies for ensuring that documentation facilitates communication and supports great relationships within the team and with referral sources. If staff is staying late working on documentation or finds themselves frustrated by the documentation habits of colleagues, this course is a must.
“The Gift” A Free Course for Those in Palliative Care and Hospice
During National Hospice and Palliative Care Month the Institute is honoring nurses, social workers, chaplains, and other health care professionals with a simple gift. “The Gift” is a self-paced course that gives the professional caregiver a well-deserved chance to pause and reflect on what gives them joy in life. “The Gift” is a course called Journey of Self-Awareness – A Palliative Care Program for Healthcare Professionals. This online program teaches professional self-awareness in the midst of challenging and stressful careers. This course sells for $179 but is the Institute’s gift with the purchase of any of its online courses during November.
About the CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care
The CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care is America’s first statewide educational and workforce development initiative dedicated to palliative care. The Institute offers professional development and continuing education courses designed to enhance the skills of current and future health care professionals. It also delivers customized corporate educational and community awareness programs designed to increase awareness of palliative care across California and around the nation. In addition to the hospice and palliative care programs offered, the Institute has made the eBook – Caregiver’s Handbook available on the its website.
Contact: Steve Dahl, CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care, Email Me, 760-750-7292