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Why EVERY Health Care Provider Should Consider This Course

The High Cost of Cultural Misunderstandings

Lack or misunderstanding of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment options, low health literacy and cultural/language barriers all combine to limit access to palliative care for Latinos. Lack of palliative care leads to poorer quality of life for patients with severe chronic conditions and higher health care costs. All of these issues can lead to unnecessary readmissions and even clinical errors. 

Honoring Differences While Improving Care

The Institute’s new online course Culturally Competent Palliative Care of Latinos is designed to teach physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains, and anyone working with the Latino community how to appropriately support the “whole” person as well as their family and friends. This short, impactful, two-week online course sensitizes participants to cultural challenges and teaches health care professionals how to connect with Latino/Hispanic patients in a way that recognizes and values their background, language and cultural traditions. The result is that patients and families can be offered palliative care in ways that they understand and that support their family and their cultural values.


Anyone in palliative care or hospice including:

  • Physicians
  • Physician Assistants
  • Nurses
  • Health Care and Social Service Students
  • Social Workers
  • Chaplains
  • Healthcare Administrators

“We’ve partnered with Familias en Acción, the experts in helping health care professionals understand how to deliver Culturally Competent Palliative Care of Latinos. Familias en Acción understands the rapidly growing need for a deeper understanding of our cultural differences,” says Helen McNeal, executive director of the CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care. Call About Organizational Group Discounts Contact: Cindy Gordon, Education Program Coordinator at: 760-750-8718.

EVERY Health Care Provider Should Consider This Course!

Learn more.