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Webinar for Organization Palliative Care

How to successfully integrate a palliative care program into any organization

Are you are trying to implement a new palliative care program and not getting a lot of support from your organization?

If you do have a program, do you find many who could benefit from palliative care are not accessing it?

Move beyond traditional strategies to implement palliative care programs… by engaging your entire organization. Webinar held by the Coalition for Compassionate Care.

Coalition for compassionate care of california

Watch the Webinar Thursday, October 22, 2015, Noon to 1 p.m. PT

Break Through to Palliative Care Success!

Successful palliative care programs do not require just clinical skills –- success comes from the ability to integrate versus implement palliative care.

In this webinar you will learn how to integrate palliative care within existing clinical programs, and get a head start on the tools and skills you need to accelerate that success in any organization.


To get a roadmap that can help you move beyond implementation and achieve integration, and that includes all the tools covered in this webinar … and more …
download our Organizational Roadmap to Community Based Palliative Care.

To ensure that EVERYONE in your organization understands what palliative care is and how they can incorporate some of the generalist level of palliative care skills in their practice, we recommend the What Every… Needs to Know about Palliative Care series.  Self-paced, only an hour long and available for specific disciplines (physicians, nurses, social workers and chaplains) as well as for all professionals, it will be the best investment in education you can make. Get more information.

COMING SOON – The Roadmap series of courses … all self-paced and focused on specific aspects of the Organizational Roadmap tool above.  If you would like to know more about these courses, complete the form below and we will send you more information when they are officially announced next month.

Download a list of resources (PDF) referred to during the webinar.