Build key skills that enhance your practice

As our population ages and more people are diagnosed with serious illnesses, quality palliative care training has never been more important. Our online courses are designed to ensure social workers have the right skills to effectively support individuals with advanced illnesses in any care setting.

Advanced Practice Palliative Care Certificate for Social Workers

Social Workers
Gain expert skills in palliative care social work and learn how to navigate the diverse demands of your role, assess psychosocial distress, apply appropriate interventions to support patients and families, and emerge as a leader on a palliative care team.

Core Concepts in Palliative Care – Social Workers

Interdisciplinary Teams, Social Workers
Designed to build on the patient-centered skills and strengths of social workers, this course explores important concepts in the care of seriously ill patients, such as values, ethics, mindfulness, self-care, resilience, death, and grief. The All Health Professionals course is included with the Nurse, Social Work, and Chaplain courses, so all team members share common concepts, vocabulary, and approaches.

Multidisciplinary Certificate in Pediatric Palliative Care

Social Workers, All Professionals
While palliative care is designed to ease suffering in patients at any age and stage of serious illness, caring for pediatric patients differs significantly from palliative care for adults and requires an extra level of skill. Designed for social workers, chaplains,...

What Every Social Worker Needs to Know About Palliative Care

Social Workers
Palliative care is specialized care, an extra level of support for people with serious or chronic illnesses. According to the National Association of Social Workers, most social workers, regardless of practice setting, will at some point work with clients facing...