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Seed Grant Funding for Palliative Care Educators, Researchers and Practitioners

The California State University Shiley Institute for Palliative Care has received support for seed grant awards for a third year from the Gary and Mary West Foundation. This year’s funding provides $50,000 for projects that advance palliative care education and research, particularly proposals that focus on improving care for seniors or family caregivers of seniors. Applications for seed grant funding will be accepted through August 27, 2018.

The seed grants are offered in conjunction with the National Symposium for Academic Palliative Care Education and Research, to be held Oct. 11-12, 2018, at the San Diego Hyatt Regency Mission Bay hotel. This annual event is designed to advance education and research in palliative care among educators, researchers and practitioners. Recipients of the grant awards will be announced at the Symposium.

Applicants from accredited academic institutions in the U.S. may submit proposals for palliative care educational and research projects such as: home-based palliative care, community-based palliative care, or aging-in-place focused on seniors and family caregivers; addressing frailty or multiple complex, chronic conditions in the aging; stress management for seniors and families; shared-decision making; or broader dissemination of palliative care services for seniors.

Grants of $5,000 or $10,000 will be awarded to selected applicants who have registered and are attending the Symposium. Preference will be given to those applicants who have received their highest academic degree within the past 10 years, or those whose entry into palliative care research or teaching has been within the past 10 years.

The Symposium brings together educators, researchers and clinicians from across the U.S. who teach and conduct research in the field of palliative care and related areas. Past events have drawn over 200 professionals from 70 academic institutions and medical centers from across the United States. Seed grant awardees from 2017 will present their results at this year’s Symposium, further amplifying the reach of their work.

Detailed information about the seed grant application is now available on the Symposium website. Those interested in or engaged in palliative care education and research are invited to learn more about the seed grants, the symposium, or to register to attend by visiting For further information, call the CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care at 760-750-7289.