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Two Palliative Care Champions on List of 30 Most Influential Social Workers

By Helen McNeal, Executive Director, CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care

I have been heard to say that I think the role of social workers in palliative care is often not fully understood and appreciated. But today, I am pleased to say that the importance of at least some social workers who are committed to the value and role of palliative care is being recognized.

The Social Work Degree Guide just released their list of the 30 Most Influential Social Workers Alive today (see link). Included in this list are:

Dr. Karen S. Haynes (3), President of Cal State San Marcos, and the person whose inspirational and entrepreneurial spirit was the driving force behind the creation of the Institute.

Angelo McClain

Dr. Angelo McClain (20), Chief  Executive Officer of the National Association of Social Workers and a member of the CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care’s National Advisory Board.

We are so pleased that Dr. Haynes and Dr. McClain’s contributions are being recognized and that in addition to their many other accomplishments that they are true Palliative Care Champions!

Read more from Gary Warth at the Union Tribune San Diego:

Read more from Brenda Rufener about “The 30 Most Influential Social Workers Alive Today”:

For a list of all the Institute’s Palliative Care Programs for Social Workers, click HERE.