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Social Work Paves the Way for Change: Palliative Care

By Helen McNeal, Executive Director, CSU Shiley Institute for Palliative Care

In palliative care, social workers and chaplains can be seen as ancillary members of the team. I invited my friends George Handzo, director of Health Services Research and Quality for Health Care Chaplaincy in New York City, and Gary Gardia, a hospice and palliative care consultant and the course director for the Post-MSW Certificate in Palliative Care to talk about this important topic in a piece published this month by the National Association of Social Workers’ 2015 Cross Sections Newsletter.

Gary, George and I discussed ways that all of us – and especially social workers and chaplains – can champion the value these vitally important team members in the provision of palliative care. Everyone has a role in shaping the future of palliative care; let’s work together to ensure that the holistic, interprofessional model of palliative is valued so that patients and families can receive the best care possible.

Learn more about our Social Work Courses in Palliative Care.

Learn more about our Chaplaincy Courses in Palliative Care.

Click The Image Below for the PDF: Social Work Paves the Way for Change

Pave the Way PDF