National Case Management Week is October 11-17. The theme for this year is “Case Management: A Patient’s Partner in Healthcare.” Case managers provide clinical assessment, care coordination, patient education, counseling, case monitoring/clinical pathway management, discharge planning, resource management and patient advocacy. Care management individuals, programs or departments assist providers in obtaining and sustaining the most appropriate, accessible, and cost-effective health care for patients under their care.
Care managers stay attuned a tremendous array of health care innovations and changes
Whether it be proton beam therapy to treat cancers, new generation health record technology, or changes that were just introduced in October to update hospital diagnostic coding and billing, care mangers are experts in matching services needed to patients, and their families, who could most benefit.
To arm case managers, or care managers, with the latest information on palliative care approaches, the California State University Shiley Institute for Palliative Care has just launched its new, fully online, course entitled Palliative Care for Care Managers. With this information, care managers can incorporate this vital approach to care as a support service that benefit patients and families who have serious or debilitating chronic illnesses.
Developed in partnership with the Coalition for Compassionate Care of California, the course includes content on palliative care theories and principles; advance directive knowledge and practice; communications in difficult environments; crisis decision making; integrating complementary therapies, and more. The 20 hour course is fully online, but uniquely provides options to be customized for delivery in group settings.
Learn More About Palliative Care for Care Managers
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